Biggest Loser Blitz

Now that I've finally found a diet I can stick to, I need a little motivation to make sure that I do. The diet is a very low carb diet - not a no carb diet! Its a healthier option than Atkins - our body needs carbs. The problem is that, as with any diet, there's the temptation to be bad. There's nothing quite like writing about your activities for the day to keep you honest.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Worst Day Ever

Yesterday my diet started off so well too. I finally remembered to get the bacon out of the freezer and get it defrosted and everything. I took my brother too school and looked forward to getting home and having bacon and eggs for breakfast. I love the fact that this diet lets me eat stuff like that. Its not quite Atkins, but its definitely low carb. So fortunate bacon and eggs are low carb! Hehe.

Then I saw the fry pan. It was feral! Whoever used it last had neglected to clean it. And the gunk in there looked to have been congealing for weeks. Eiwwwwwww! So, after a solid 20 minutes of cleaning and scrubbing and disinfecting, I got the pan as good as it was going to get and fried up my yummy breakfast.

Big mistake.

Five hours later I was practically living in my bathroom. Guess my disinfecting job wasn't as good as I thought it was. On the bright side though, I didn't get tempted to eat anything bad. Oh, and I lost 1.5kg in one day. Still, I can think of better ways to lose weight...


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